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School Calendars

Fundraising is high on any school's agenda these days, as money for planned activities and essential equipment is often in short supply. A personalised calendar can be a great fundraising tool, as it can be sold to teachers, parents and relatives.

School calendars can be personalised with:

  • the school's logo and colours
  • important dates for parents, like PTA events, parents evenings and non-pupil days
  • dates for and information on the school play, sports day and other activities
  • group photos of the pupils in different years or images of paintings and drawings they have created (designing different calendar leaves might even provide a great fun project for the pupils)

To increase its usefulness, a school calendar can easily be designed to run in line with the academic year, i.e. starting in September of one year and running to August the next. Your calendar does not have to start with January, and can in fact begin on any month you wish.

Please contact us if you would like more information on the options open to you.

School Calendar

Top Selling Calendars

Some of the most popular calendars from our collection.